While moving house can be a flurry of excitement, it can also be a stressful time! When the van is almost packed and you have everything organised, it’ll feel like you can take a relaxing breath again. However, there are often some leftover tasks that many people forget all about. Well, worry no further – we’re here to remind you of some important factors to make your life easier before moving date.
Redirect your post
Redirecting post is an after-thought for many people moving house and can cause panic when you realise you haven’t done it! Avoid the inconvenience for new homeowners and make sure your post doesn’t flood their letterbox. You can do this in the Post Office or online. Important mail will come straight to your new home – you won’t have to make journeys to collect those dreaded bills!
Defrost your fridge-freezer
It’s difficult to know what to do with your fridge-freezer if it’s a standalone appliance. You may think you need it up until the last minute – how else will you cook your last supper? It’s best to defrost your appliance in advance. If it’s not thoroughly defrosted by the time you’re moving, lots of water could spill in the process, and this could damage other furniture you have travelling with it.
Notify establishments of your move
It’s not just friends and family that need to know about your house move. Places that keep your address, such as your GP and your employer, will need to update your address on their system. It’s an idea to update your address on online shopping platforms to avoid your parcels accidentally getting delivered to your old place! Doing all of this at once means the confusion of two addresses is avoided.
Make a Plan B
Most house moves go off without a hitch. However, planning for the worst is a good way to set your mind at ease, and it means that if something goes wrong, you’re prepared. Take precautions – for example, if all of your belongings don’t fit in the van and you’re moving far away, hire a storage unit for your overflow items. You can then collect these another time and they’ll have been kept safe.
Have somewhere for your moving van to park
We understand that you may not have a driveway, and that road space may be limited for large moving vans. Sorting out the parking ahead of time will cut out the stress of being faced with lugging your grandmother’s heavy dressing table all the way around the corner. You may have to ask your neighbours to make some room with their cars, or you may have to pay for the space.
Check your hiding places
We all know what it’s like – we have something valuable (medical records for example) and we find a ‘safe place’ to store it. Whether this is under the floorboards or in a hidden cubby hole, some places are so safe that we forget they’re even there. Don’t forget to check your hiding places before you move out. This ensures you have your valuables in hand and you won’t have to explain to some bemused homeowners why your family members’ heirloom is still in their floor!
Don’t forget your house plants
During a move, house plants are very easily abandoned. With everything else going on, it’s understandable that they would fall to the wayside, however, we’re sure you will also want house plants in your new place! In you don’t have the energy or facilities to keep them alive, consider lending them to a friend until you’re settled in and you’re craving some greenery.
Create your essentials box
In your packing frenzy, you may have forgotten that you’ll need things when you get to the other end. Packing a box solely for the purpose of being able to survive without unpacking everything else will make life easier. Pack your toiletries, some clothes, some crockery and maybe a book or two, and you’ll be able to function for a little while without even looking at your bursting boxes.
Note down your meter readings
Just before you leave your house, take a final meter reading. This will mean that you can ensure that you’re not being overcharged on your energy bills. Send a copy of this to your energy supplier so that they know what to charge you and keep one for yourself for reference. This may sound like it’s not completely essential, but you’ll be thanking yourself if the bill turns up and it’s wrong!
At Casey’s Removals, we can handle all of your house moving stresses. We offer a packing service so that you can get ready hassle free. Just contact us on 0208 659 6677 or email us on sales@caseysremovals.com to book your removal today.
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