How to keep a Spider-free home
10 Sep

How to keep a Spider-free home

How to keep a Spider-free home

Our top tips for keeping spiders from moving into your new house

When you’ve finally managed to move into your new house, the last thing you want to find is some non-paying eight-legged tenants lurking in the corners making themselves at home.

This becomes more of an issue in the Autumn months when the weather begins to cool, as there is even more of a reason for this little critters to want to move in. Not only is it the beginning of the mating season, but spiders are also drawn to the warmth emitted from buildings as it helps to keep their body temperature stable.

So to keep your house spider-free we have put together some top tips to keep those little crawlies away.

Keep your clutter down

Spiders love to seek refuge in dark, damp and cluttered places, so avoid piling up areas of clutter. Make sure your clutter is packed away in cupboards, drawers or plastic-lidded boxes to prevent spiders gaining access.

Clean up

The most effective way to keep your house spider free is to dust and vacuum regularly to remove spider-webs or egg sacs (which are ball shaped and hidden in the web). Spiders are less likely to return when their offspring and habitats have been removed.

In addition to this, make sure you focus on those often neglected nooks and crannies, because these dark and undisturbed spaces are very inviting for spiders to set up home in.

Cover up the gaps

When you move into your new house, this is the best time to fully investigate the house and cover up all the crack or gaps in the floorboards, windows and doors. Sealing these up will make it difficult for spiders to gain access to your house. A fine mesh over large gaps and air vents is particularly successful in stopping large spiders from entering.

Use natural fragrances and essential oils

Spiders ‘smell’ with their legs, so using strong aromas will be a sure way to deter them entering your home.

Try placing fresh citrus peels (lemons or limes) on windowsills, on top of high cupboards and bookcases or in any small place that spiders might like to hide. Remember to replace peels before they get too dry as they will lose their natural aroma.

Similarly, spiders hate the smell of peppermint, lavender and tea tree. Try adding a few drops of one of these oils to water and regularly spraying it around your windows, doors, corners and skirting boards.

You could also try vinegar, but this may not be the ideal fragrance you were looking for in your new home.

Let natural light in

Avoid keeping curtains or blinds closed during the day, or for long periods of time if you are away, as spiders love to live in the dark.

But keep lights off at night

Never leave the light on in a room with the window open. This will attract all sorts of moths and other insects to come in, and as these are the staple diet of spiders, so you are just encouraging them to move in too.

Get your pets to scare them off

Cats and dogs love to play chase and catch things, so spider running across the floor are perfect targets. Encourage pets to chase the spiders to help frighten them off.

Keep foliage away from your house

Spiders will often use plants to hide in and attach their webs to, so avoid planting close to your doors and windows as spiders may choose to pack up and move indoors when the weather gets colder.

If all else fails, catch them humanely!

If your new home is just too inviting, and spiders still manage to invade, take it as a compliment, and try to catch them humanely. The good old glass and paper technique is always a winner, or you could treat yourself to a spider-catcher which allows you to ‘suck’ the visitor safely into a tube at arms length, and release it outside.

Sadly, we can’t help you to deter spiders from your new home, but we can help you to move out of your old house and into your next one.

Please don’t hesitate to call us on 020 8659 6677 for advice or a quote. Alternatively you can complete our free online quote form.

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