How to Move House with Pets?
9 Things you MUST DO when moving house with Pets.
If you thought the process of moving house was both stressful and emotionally draining on us humans, then stop and think how an upheaval like this will be for your beloved pet. Cats and dogs are both territorial creatures and get very attached to their surroundings, so you need to take extra care and attention when you move house with them. A change of environment, filled with new sounds and smells, can become a very scary thing for them.
This is why it’s vitally important to take steps in making your house move as calming and stress-free as possible for them. To avoid added distress, make sure you plan in advance how you will move your pets to their new home, and how you will settle them in, once there.
Read on for some of our top tips for moving with pets:

1. Try and stay calm
Animals are quick to pick up on human emotions, so if you are feeling stressed and overwhelmed in the build-up to your house move, then your pet is likely to pick up on this.
If you sense your pet is getting distressed with you packing and moving furniture, keep them out of the room whilst your work, and take time out to reassure them.

2. Don’t over fuss them
This is true especially when it comes to moving day. Try to act like it’s a normal day, and keep as calm as possible, as your behaviour will affect how your pet behaves. Keep a normal routine, feed them at the usual time of day, and act like you usually would around.
Don’t overfeed them with treats, or fuss them more than usual, as they might expect this more and wonder why it has suddenly stopped once they are in their new home.

3. Check their identity tag is up to date
Make sure you have updated the details on their name tag and microchip, as this will increase the chance of your furry friend being reunited with you should they get scared and run off. Ensure the details are for your new house address and contact telephone number.
Also, consider taking a photograph of them before the move, so you have a picture ready to show if needed.

4. Book a pet sitter
Animals can be troubled by strangers, especially your removal team who are wandering around their home and moving your furniture and boxes around. Consider finding a familiar friend or family member who can look after them, away from the house, for the day. If not possible, then perhaps book them into a cattery or doggy daycare.

5. Set up a pet only room
To avoid problems on moving day, plan to have one room in your house, away from the main activity, as a temporary room for your pet to stay in. This will keep the paths clear for your removal crew and avoid your furry friend becoming scared and running off outside.
Make sure the room is fully clear, then put your pet in there along with items that will make their duration in the room comfortable, such as bedding, toys, food, water and a litter tray. Also place a notice on the door so your removals team are aware not opening the door.
Casey’s Removals were sympathetic to my worries about my cat being stressed and cleared out a room for me to put him in while they packed up the rest of my old house!

6. Keep up the routine
Try to feed your pet at their normal time, with their usual food and give them their desired one-on-one attention. Walk the dog as you normally would and if local, try visiting the area around your new address close to moving time. This will enable your dog to get familiar with new smells and sounds.

7. Arrange a suitable carrier for transportation
Whilst in transit, you’ll need to ensure that your pet is both comfortable and safe. Cats and smaller animals should never be free to roam within your car. Make sure you have a suitable enclosed carrier for the size of your pet and ensure it is wedged in or strapped down with the seat belt.
Give reassurance throughout the journey, and make sure they have regular access to water too. Try to keep their carrier out of direct sunlight and, if you have to stop, don’t leave them in the car, even if it is shady and the window is open!

8. Pack their things last
Be sure to pack their bedding, favourite toy and food last, so they can comfort themselves with these familiar items before you go. Then once you have moved into your new home, resist the urge to wash your pet’s bedding for at least 2 weeks. That way their ‘safe’ place will gradually blend into the smell of their new home.

9. Give them space and time
It may take time for your pet to adjust to their new environment, as there will be a whole new world of smells and sounds to take in. Treat cats as you would when you first adopted them, or when they were kittens, and keep them in for a few weeks to adjust and get used to the house.
Moving house with a Cat?
For more tips on how to keep you cat happy (and safe) when moving house, read our post on How to Move house with a Cat
Need a Removal Company who are wonderful with pets?
If you have concerns about moving house with your pets, give us a call. We can advise you on the best practices for moving day.
Casey’s Removals offers a professional home removal service throughout the UK from our main operating areas of London, Kent & Surrey. We carry out stress-free, fully insured moves nationwide and overseas.
Our friendly and experienced team are on hand to take care of your move every step of the way, providing a packing service alongside our reliable removals and storage options.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch for advice or a free quotation for our services.
Click To Call For Free Quote 020 8659 6677
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